Saturday, 31 October 2015

Claire's Diary 31/10/2015


Dear diary

Well, how about that! My costume is finally off. Yeah, my brother helped me out shortly after he arrived at the party. It feels good to have my head out in the open. I don't think I'll be dressing as a werewolf next year. My brother was a zombie this year. Makes sense. He smells like one.


Audio Junk #148 - A brief history of Beluga Weekly

Friday, 30 October 2015

Claire's Diary 30/10/2015


Dear diary

Orange balloons look like jack-o-lanterns if you draw on them with a marker pen! That's some useful information if you can't afford to buy a pumpkin. By the way, am I the only one who thinks pumpkin is a really daft word? Why can't it have a more sensible name like the turnip... Wait, that's also kinda silly, like the  asparagus... That's also kinda silly. Cauliflower? No! There don't seem to be any vegetables that have normal sounding names. Oh well. At least pumpkins taste nice. Well, not these ones obviously, they aren't edible.


Beluga Weekly #353

Feel free to comment!

Cowsplay - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Tracy: Red guy (Harry?)
Macy: Yellow guy (Manny?)
Tin can: Duck guy (Robin?)

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is property of Blink Industries

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Claire's Diary 29/10/2015


Dear diary

I'm still trapped inside my halloween costume. It's not too much of an inconvenience. Just occasionally things are a little difficult. Things like taking a bath and eating and drinking. I somehow find myself managing to do these things so I guess it's not the dumbest problem I've ever had to face. Looking forward to Saturday. I think it's going to be a lotta fun. I invited my brother. He's no fun at all. And he always wants to play his own music whenever he attend my parties. What is it with my him and being the absolute worst?


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Claire's Diary 28/10/2015


Dear diary

Time to make some decor for the party this weekend. I'm going to be hanging a string of paper bats. They're albino bats because I have no black paper. I suppose I could go out and buy some black paper but I don't have a lot of time. In fact, I could have made a string of ghosts instead. Do I have any more white paper? I've got plenty of pink. So, it's going to be albino bats and embarrassed ghosts. Cool.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Claire's Diary 27/10/2015


Dear diary

Baked potatoes are easy to make, but they seem to take an awful long time. Maybe my oven just isn't the best model. I hate it when I slice into the spud and it feels like it's made of wood. Nobody wants to eat wooden potatoes! The very idea! Who would even want that? Not me. The wooden potato is a bad idea. I'm cancelling it right now. Back to the drawing board then.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Claire's Diary 26/10/2015


Dear diary

I don't find pranks to be very funny. At least not the ones involving eggs. Some treat-or-treaters have no imagination. Throwing eggs at someone is not a good prank. Now, cracking the eggs and collecting the yolk in a large bucket, adding a couple of pull-strings, hanging the bucket from a tree, waiting for a passerby to walk under it a using the pull-string to empty the bucket over that person's head, IS a good prank! See, you've got to be creative.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Claire's Diary 25/10/2015


Dear diary

This is more like it! I am now the proud owner of my own battery operated aeroplane. Son I will be landing my passengers at their destination several feet away from where I'm standing. I didn't actually load it with passengers. I might see if the ants want to ride in it. I imagine they would appreciate that. They don't get to enjoy themselves that much. Always busy doing stuff.
Ants are creepy.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Claire's Diary 24/10/2015


Dear diary

Paper planes are rubbish. They don't really fly, they just glide someplace and hit the floor. Give me a proper radio controlled plane! One that can do tricks like looping the loop and hopscotch. I saw a kid with a radio plane once. It rather looked like a jumbo jet. The kind that people can really travel in.
I hate flying.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Audio Junk #147 - Looking back to the future

Friday, 23 October 2015

Claire's Diary 23/10/2015


Dear diary

I'm looking for a hat to add to my Halloween costume. What kind of hat's do werewolves wear? Are they into stetsons or toppers? What about a fez? I suppose it depends on the occupation of the individual who became the werewolf. So if he was a fireman, he would wear a helmet. Obvious really. I was a rabbit before I was a wolf. Rabbits don't wear hats. It was just an idea really.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Cowsplay - Disney Villains

Tracy: Maleficent
Macy: Ursula

Sleeping Beauty and The Little Mermaid are property of Disney

Beluga Weekly #352

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Claire's Diary 22/10/2015


Dear diary

There's a beetle on my nose. What do I do? Can it hurt me? Is it a stag beetle? Stag beetles are amazing! I think this one wants to crawl into my eyes and lay some eggs which would be highly inconvenient. OK, so technically it isn't on my nose, it's on the nose of the costume. I've been wearing this thing for some time now. I hope I don't end up with too many bugs nesting in my face.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Claire's Diary 21/10/2015


Dear diary

I caught a falling acorn today! It literally fell from the treetops into the palm of my hand! That must be lucky. It's on par with finding a four-leaf clover or being pooped on by a dumb bird. I won't reveal what my wish is because then it won't come true. I'll just say it involves being as far away from this wolf suit as possible.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Claire's Diary 20/10/2015


Dear diary

Remember that green screen I bought not so long ago? It is now a purple screen. I decided to dye it because I prefer purple to green. Also it has a bit more of a creepy darkness to it. Green is good for more of a slimey ghostly theme, but everything was green last year. It's also more of a springtime colour. Hey! I should have died it orange since thats a very autumnal colour! Oh well, there's always next year.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Claire's Diary 19/10/2015


Dear diary

The most exciting thing I did today was wash up. Yeah, that was my highlight. It's been a very slow day. I wish I had something more exciting to write about. Like that glowing thing in the sky that looked like a UFO. Which landed on a farm somewhere. And abducted 5 cows. And made the news.
Oh well. There's always tomorrow.


Hey gang. If you want a bloodstained shirt like the one Claire has been wearing this month, you can get yourself one over at TeePublic in any colour you want!

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Claire's Diary 18/10/2015


Dear diary

I had a glass of milk today. It occurred to me that milk isn's something I normally drink on it's own. I have it on cereal, I make pancakes with it, I churn my own butter with it, but I don't drink it. What's my verdict? Don't really like it. It's like really bland yoghurt gone cold.


Saturday, 17 October 2015

Claire's Diary 17/10/2015


Dear diary

Why is it whenever I put my flowers in a vase, the bees come buzzing my way? They really get on my nerves! Even though we are supposed to be saving them. If only these flowers didn't smell so nice. I'm going to see if I have any Parmesan left. That should put them off. Not sure if I want cheesy smelling flowers though.
Bees are stupid.


Audio Junk #146 - Healthy

Friday, 16 October 2015

Claire's Diary 16/10/2015


Dear diary

It's hard to move around in this costume. It keeps on twisting and going all askew. This makes it difficult to walk anywhere without tripping over myself. I keep thinking I'm about to fall on my face. Still, it'll all be worth it once Halloween arrives. I'll be used to it by then. I'd almost forgot that I used to be a rabbit... even though I technically still am.


Cowsplay - Alien

Tracy: Ellen Ripley
Macy: Gilbert Kane

Alien is property of 20th Century-Fox

Beluga Weekly #351

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Claire's Diary 15/10/2015


Dear diary

Don't you just love space hoppers! They're so much fun to play with. I don't care if I'm a little old for that sort of thing. I'm going to get out my space hopper and go outside to bounce around for a bit. Mind you, it's getting dark so maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Also this costume makes it a little exhausting to do most things that involve excessive movement.


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Claire's Diary 14/10/2015


Dear diary

I tried to feed Roger earlier but he didn't seem to want his food. I hope he's OK. He isn't floating above the surface of the water thankfully but he is cowering in the corner of his bowl. Maybe he's in need of some furnishing? Maybe I should get him one of those little castles to make his home a little more cozy? In the meantime I hope he gets over himself. Goldfish aren't so good at manning up!


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Claire's Diary 13/10/2015


Dear diary

I've been trying to swat a fly for the past 12 hours without any success. It's driving crazy! The smug little thing. Why can't these things just stay as maggots? Actually they're not much better. Crawling around in dustbins. I hate stupid maggots and I hate dumb flies! Come here you! There! Got it!
Oh fantastic, it made my fly swatter all dirty! Flies are the worst!


Monday, 12 October 2015

Claire's Diary 12/10/2015


Dear diary

There are too many pigeons in my neighbourhood. I'm not prejudiced towards birds or anything like that. Clearly they don't realise there are too many of them. It can be rather bothersome when I am trying to make a sandwich outdoors. Those things go nuts when they see bread. Maybe I should start making sandwiches with gluten-free bread, that might make them leave me alone. But then I'dd have to face gluten-free bread for lunch. Gross.


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Claire's Diary 11/10/2015


Dear diary

Today is carrot pizza day! I've just finished chopping up the carrots. Now all I need is a pizza. I love pizza. It's like lasagne only less gross. The last time I had pizza was when I went to a friend's party last week. Hey, I never said it was a long time ago. Mind you, nobody suggested that I did say anything like that. I'm having scones for afters.


Saturday, 10 October 2015

Claire's Diary 10/10/2015


Dear diary

I don't know why there's a carton of orange juice in my fridge, I never drink the stuff. Maybe somebody planted it there? Maybe I went sleep walking to the super market one night, maybe it's part of some kind of conspiracy and it isn't a real carton of juice but a hoax to make us think that it is a real life thing... Wait, now I remember, I  bought it in case I had guests.


Audio Junk #145 (not 150) - 33 minute special

Friday, 9 October 2015

Claire's Diary 09/10/2015


Dear diary

I'm looking for some horror movies to get me into the spooky spirit of Halloween. For some reason, the scariest thing I can find is Hotel Transylvania. No Dawn Of The Dead? No Exorcist? No Texas Chainsaw Massacre? It's supposed to be October! Why is it Easter and Christmas spread the festive films throughout the majority of... Hold on, I can't actually think of many Easter movies. There's Easter Parade. I like that one. I think I'll watch that tonight.


Cowsplay - Death Note

Tracy: L
Macy: Light Yagami

Death Note is property of NA Viz Media

Beluga Weekly #350

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Claire's Diary 08/10/2015


Dear diary

My costume is starting to really look creepy! I got hold of some fake blood to splatter all over my front. Now I look like a real werewolf! If only Halloween could come sooner. I'm ready to go to a party and show off my costume, but it's still only 1 week into October. I can't take this dumb thing off anyway so I might as well just wait. That said, it's not going to be such an appropriate outfit once Christmas comes around.


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Claire's Diary 07/10/2015


Dear diary

I've found a shirt to go over my stupid wolf costume. All it needs is some fake blood and also a few tears to make it look as though I have transformed into a werewolf. Creative huh? And all it cost me was an old T-shirt that nobody wants anyway. Well, maybe 1 person does. My brother. It's his shirt. And it's smelly. Better give it a wash before I tear it up.


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Claire's Diary 06/10/2015


Dear diary

It brings me so much joy when mother ducks take their ducklings out for a stroll! It's good to see parents being both instructive and responsible in this world. Ducks are my friends. I've even had a few come over for tea and biscuits. If I were a duck, I'd paddle about in the water all day. I'd also probably buy a barbecue grill.


Monday, 5 October 2015

Claire's Diary 05/10/2015


Leaves are everywhere! Golden leaves, red leaves, orange leaves, brown leaves, blue leaves all over the place. It;s a wonder I can even get to my front door. There are piles and piles of leaves across the front garden. I'm going to have to get a broom and sweep them away like Piglet! Because like Piglet, I don't mind the leaves that are leaving. Although I would feel a bit hurt if they decided to leave. Does that mean they don't like my lawn? Oh well. I'm sure a few more leave won't hurt. I can always exit through the window.
